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Design Dimensions

Detailed dimensions for all Assets within Curator

James Trivlis avatar
Written by James Trivlis
Updated over 2 months ago

You can use any iPad or iPhone for your photo booth or 360 experience. Either device will work. iPad mini or any size as long as it fits in your 360.


  • Attract Screen Video : Max file size 20mb

  • Attract Screen Image : Max file size 5mb

  • Photo Overlays & Photo Layout Templates : Max file size 5mb

  • Microsite Banner : Max file size 3mb

PRO TIP: Use a service like Tiny PNG to compress your files without losing noticeable quality.

Attract Screen

iPhone 13 mini - 1080 x 2430

iPhone 13 & 13 Pro - 1170 x 2532

iPhone 13 Pro Max - 1284 x 2778

iPad Mini - 1488 x 2266

iPad Air - 1640 x 2260

iPad 11in Pro - 1668 x 2388

iPad 12.9in Pro - 2048 x 2732
Image should be a MP4, JPEG, or PNG.

Dimensions should match the screen resolution of the iPad itself. If your device is not covered above then use this link to find it. What is my device screen size?

*There is a setting under the attract screen upload area that says "Attract Screen Live View" If you turn this off it will fill your entire view with the attract screen image. All this does is turn off the camera on that screen. This can also save you battery power.

Experience Buttons

910 x 910px
Image should be a transparent PNG.

Experience Selection Screen Background

iPhone 13 mini - 1080 x 2430

iPhone 13 & 13 Pro - 1170 x 2532

iPhone 13 Pro Max - 1284 x 2778

iPad Mini - 1488 x 2266

iPad Air - 1640 x 2260

iPad 11in Pro - 1668 x 2388

iPad 12.9in Pro - 2048 x 2732
Image should be a MP4, JPEG, or PNG.

Dimensions should match the screen resolution of the iPad itself. If your device is not covered above then use this link to find it. What is my device screen size?

*There is a setting under the attract screen upload area that says "Experience Screen Live View" If you turn this off it will fill your entire view with the experience screen image. All this does is turn off the camera on that screen. This can also save you battery power.

Look Here Graphic

720 x 720px
Image should be a transparent PNG. Be sure to point the arrow in the right direction.

Event-Wide Overlay

Overlay should be a transparent PNG. Make sure your overlay matches the image dimensions you choose

Full Ipad screen size (Not printable) 4:3 aspect ratio
Portrait: 1080 x 1440px
Landscape: 1440 x 1080px

Square 1 x 1
1600 x 1600 (you can use any equal size. We suggest this)

4 X 6 (Recommended if your guest will want to print at a later time)
Portrait: 1200 x 1800px
Landscape: 1800 x 1200px

5 x 7

Portrait: 1500 x 2100px

Landscape: 2100 x 1500px


Portrait: 1080 x 1920px

Landscape: 1920 x 1080px

Print Layouts

Click to download all PNG Files

Click to download all PSD Files

Magic/Green Screen Backgrounds

Background should be a PNG or JPG. Make sure your background matches the image dimensions you choose

AR Backgrounds

Backgrounds should be a PNG or JPG.

Suggested Dimensions -

CENTER AREA ONLY - 1800 x 400px

FULL AREA - 2698β€Š Γ— β€Š1386px

Sharing Screen Buttons

300 x 300px
Image should be a transparent PNG.

Sharing Screen Background

iPhone 13 mini - 1080 x 2430

iPhone 13 & 13 Pro - 1170 x 2532

iPhone 13 Pro Max - 1284 x 2778

iPad Mini - 1488 x 2266

iPad Air - 1640 x 2260

iPad 11in Pro - 1668 x 2388

iPad 12.9in Pro - 2048 x 2732
Image should be a MP4, JPEG, or PNG.

Dimensions should match the screen resolution of the iPad itself. If your device is not covered above then use this link to find the correct dimensions. What is my device screen size?

Sharing Page Banner

800 x 300 px is recommended.
Image should be a JPEG or PNG. Dimensions are flexible, but dimensions around 800-1000px wide and 200-300px high work best.

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